Join Us

Below is some information for schools and multi academy trusts about joining the Global Spirit Ed network of international schools.

Our Packages


£1,250 + VAT


*£4,000 + VAT

**£6,000 + VAT

Multi Academy Trusts / Federations

£10,000 + VAT (5 schools)

£15,000 + VAT (10 schools)

£20,000 + VAT (15 schools)

Network Support Calendar

  • Headteacher and CEO meetings.
  • Primary Hub meetings
  • SAIL champions meetings
  • Coaching coordinators meetings
  • Faculty and subject leader’s meetings.
  • Regional conferences.
  • National conferences.
  • Vlogs and Blogs.
  • International school engagement meetings.

Ways to use your face-to-face support

  • Leadership team support on understanding the philosophy and focus of our work.
  • Staff training (CPD):
    • Staff coaching
    • Pupil coaching
    • Curriculum design
    • Instructional Rounds and Theories of Action
  • School impact strategy and research opportunities.
  • Supporting the SAIL champion.
  • Supporting with the coaching coordinator.

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